Curb Your Cravings……Fall is Here and Winter is Around the Bend


The next time you’re craving some sweets, go outside and take a little walk instead. A little natural light and exercise could be just the thing to reduce your need for sweets.

A recent study has shown that during the dark days of the cooler months or rainy days of spring, serotonin levels drop and the urge to eat increases. During these periods reaching for starchy or sweet comfort foods can be easier to do. However, although your mood may improve some, they aren’t the best choices for your teeth or your waistline.

The same study found that getting natural light helped increase serotonin levels and curb cravings. In addition, getting a little extra exercise can help improve your mood without affecting your teeth, and might even help you to keep your weight under control.

Serotonin and Nutrition - serotonin is somehow important in modulating food intake – but we’re not sure exactly how… yet. Since it has so many diverse and important roles in the body, serotonin levels are key to health mentally and physically. Because it’s so common in all kinds of animals, serotonin can be found in a variety of foods. So if you have to snack to elevate your mood and reduce your cravings, then snack on these, which have the highest levels of serotonin:
• walnuts
• plantains
• pineapples
• bananas
• kiwis
• plums
• tomatoes
Better yet, take a walk, get some sunshine while snacking on one of the above and you’ll feel great and your teeth will be none the worse for wear!

Dental Society of Greater Orlando Florida Dental Association American Dental Association
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