Acid Candy

There’s a new dental epidemic, and nobody knows about it or is doing anything about it. Dental literature barely mentions it.

A new hyper-acid “candy” has hit the marketplace and kids teeth with a vengeance. They include “Warheads” and Sour Patch Kids.”

Have you ever tasted one? They make vinegar taste mild in comparison, and they contain mostly citric acid and malic acids, with a little flavoring and sugar thrown in to call it “candy.”

But is it candy? Far from it - kids say to one another, "I dare you to keep this in your mouth more than 15 seconds!" What it is saying is that the stuff is so intense that it will bum the mouth at the same time it is dissolving teeth. Each acid attack lasts about 20 minutes.

Dentistry has known for a long time that aspirin-gum and chewable vitamin C (ascorbic acid) used regularly will erode teeth. This stuff is far worse. In concentrated form, these candies can and do severely pit teeth.

Signs of Dental Erosion :

• Sensitive teeth. You may feel a twinge of pain when consuming hot, cold or sweet food and drinks. Your tooth enamel is wearing away.
• Discoloration. Teeth will be slightly yellow in appearance.
• Transparency. Your teeth will appear transparent along the edges you bite with.
• Dents. Fillings may actually rise up.
• Tooth decay. Your teeth have lost the outermost protective layer of enamel.

It starts out as pits at the tips of cusps and proceeds to erode all the enamel off the occlusal surfaces of primary and permanent posterior teeth.
But that's not all - the height of disregard for safety comes from the Warheads brand, which sells "Warheads Sour Toothpaste!”

What can you do to prevent dental erosion?

• Chew sugar-free gum.
• If you consume acidic products, wait for an hour to brush your teeth, but rinse with water right away. Brushing right away increases the harmful effects of acid on teeth.
• Use a fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristle toothbrush to protect your teeth.
• Ask us about ways to reduce sensitivity or minimize enamel loss if erosion has begun.

pH Values for Sour Candy
(pH at which teeth begin to decalcify/erode = 4.00)

Plain tap water 7.0
Spree® 3.0
Sweetarts® 3.0
Big Stuff Pacifier® sucker 3.0
Sour Gummi Bears® 3.0
X -treme Airheads® 3.0
Sour Punch Straws® 2.5
Shockers® 2.5
Skittles® 2.5
Baby Bottle Pop® powder 2.5
Brach's Gummi Bears® 2.5
Sqwigglies Gummi Worms® 2.5
Wonka Laffy Taffy® 2.5
Starburst® 2.4
Sweet Tarts Shock® 2.4
Lemon Heads® 2.4
Mentos® fruit chew 2.4
WarHeads® Sour Rips Roll 2.3
Lollipop Paint Shop® 2.2
Zours@ 2.2
Sour Skittles® 2.2
Airheads® cherry chew 2.0
Wonka Nerds® grape 2.0
Now & Later® cherry chew 1.9
Too Tart Extra Sour Goo® 1.9
Wonka Pixy Stix® powder 1.9
Altoids Mango Sours® 1.9
Wonka fun Dip® powder 1.8
WarHeads Sour Spray® 1.6

Dental Society of Greater Orlando Florida Dental Association American Dental Association
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